We believe Responsible Investment is about all employees and affiliated organisations taking the initiative to help improve the environment and society.
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At Bouwinvest, we believe that you cannot ensure long-term successful investments without taking the needs of society into account, as the two are inextricably linked.
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Our sustainable real estate strategy is built on two pillars: certified sustainable assets and the reduction of environmental impact.
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Bouwinvest endeavours to optimise long term alliances with our stakeholders. We have put methods and means in place to understand, meet and respond to our stakeholders needs and to take to heart the issues that our stakeholders find important.
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We believe that integrity, honesty and corporate responsibility are essential to ensuring we do our job properly and will, in turn, enable us to optimise returns for our clients.
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To the shareholders of Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.V.
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Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund N.V. (the “Fund”) was established in 2010. The Fund has a transparent governance structure, which ensures effective and efficient management, combined with proper checks and balances.
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The Fund is structured as an investment company with variable capital, as defined in article 2:76a of the Dutch Civil Code, with its corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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The value of the shares in the Fund is dependent on developments in the financial markets and real estate markets. The Fund considers the following risk factors of relevance for investments in this Fund.
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Monitoring risks is embedded in the daily activities of the responsible line manager and is an integral part of the planning and control cycle.
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