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In 2018 there were no new commitments. As of January 2019 there are new commitments for a total amount of € 223 from a new as well as an existing investor.
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As a result of the Fund’s fiscal investment institution (FII) status, Bouwinvest will distribute all of the Net Realised Result to the shareholders through four quarterly interim dividend payments and one final dividend payment.
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Capital growth as a percentage is equal to the net result (INREV) minus the distributable result, divided by the INREV NAV at the beginning of the period, plus any capital calls (time-weighted) and less any distributed dividends/capital
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Message from the CEO

Bouwinvest celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2018. In this period, Bouwinvest has evolved from a project developer into an asset manager, fund manager and ultimately into an international real estate asset manager.
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