Consolidated statement of financial position Before appropriation of result, all amounts in € thousandsAs at 31 DecemberNote20182017Assets Non-current assets Investment property12945,586864,868Investment property under construction1312,89811,941 958,484876,809 Current assets Trade and other current receivables142,291520Cash and cash equivalents1520,52121,486 22,81222,006 Total assets 981,296898,815 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to the owners of the Fund Issued capital 350,495327,089Share premium 396,265361,679Revaluation reserve 222,920200,128Retained earnings (48,675)(61,059)Net result for the year 48,67561,059Total equity16969,680888,896 Current liabilities Trade and other payables1711,6169,919Total liabilities 11,6169,919 Total equity and liabilities 981,296898,815 Share this article