For a long-term investors like Bouwinvest, financial and social returns increasingly go hand in hand. By investing in better, more sustainable real estate, Bouwinvest contributes to the well-being and health of the areas it invests in. And this in turn is good for the stability of our financial returns. After all, people will continue to live, work, shop and stay in these areas.
We enhance pension benefits in a responsible way by investing in sustainable real estate worldwide.
The future of the institutional real estate investment industry is about both financial and societal returns. Institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance firms, are searching for yield in a low interest environment and coverage ratios are still under pressure. At the same time, world population growth, urbanisation, sustainability, technology and transparency demand responsible investors with a long-term view on fulfilling increasing needs in all sectors and on contributing to human well-being.
In the short term, we may experience some tension between the two, but in the long run we will all benefit from this next level, long-term investors in particular, as financial and societal returns converge.
Our impact on society
In 2018, Bouwinvest drew up a value creation model. This will help us to gain insight into which financial, social and human capital we use, how we add value to that capital and what value this ultimately creates for society. This involves both financial, and non-financial value. Gaining insight into the value we create will help our company to think and act in a fully integrated manner.
Value creation model