Consolidated statement of cash flows All amounts in € thousands Note20182017Operating activities Net result 75,96271,746Adjustments for: Valuation movements (60,907)(57,458)Net finance result 148106Movements in working capital (13,014)(1,297)Cash flow generated from operating activities 2,18913,097Interest paid (148)(106)Interest received --Cash flow from operating activities 2,04112,991 Investment activities Proceeds from sale of investment property --Payments of investment property12(8,291)(5,080)Payments of investment property under construction13(81,137)(28,722)Cash flow from investment activities (89,428)(33,802) Finance activities Proceeds from the issue of share capital 80,00050,000Redemption of shares --Dividends paid (16,167)(16,288)Cash flow from finance activities 63,83333,712 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (23,554)12,901Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 40,42427,523Cash and cash equivalents at end of year1616,87040,424 Share this article