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Report of the Board of Directors


As a long-term investor, we are committed to a process of continuous improvement to realise attractive buildings in vibrant towns and cities and to make our assets and portfolios future proof. In the years ahead, we want to go beyond simply making our assets more sustainable and make a real positive contribution to reducing the wastage of raw materials, the industrialisation of construction processes and the introduction of new technologies.

Building on its previously formulated goal of Sustainable Growth, Bouwinvest sees opportunities to raise its investments in the Dutch and foreign real estate markets to a higher and more future-proof level.

Bouwinvest’s international investments and its Dutch sector funds will be able to grow thanks to capital inflows from new clients or the expansion of existing mandates. In 2021, we expect investments in Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region to account for 30% of our total portfolio. For the long term, we expect to record an annual return of between 5% and 7% on our entire portfolio. Thanks to continued growth in our invested capital and efficiency benefits, we also expect growth in the profitability of the management organisation.

We expect our invested capital to increase to € 15.3 billion by 2021, from the current € 11.3 billion. This growth will be driven by our well-filled pipeline, currently valued at € 1.8 billion, and new investments of around € 800 million each year.

Amsterdam, 20 March 2019

Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors

Dick van Hal, Chief Executive Officer and statutory director
Arno van Geet, Chief Finance & Risk Officer
Allard van Spaandonk, Chief Investment Officer Dutch Investments
Stephen Tross, Chief Investment Officer International Investments

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