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About this report

About this report

The goal of this annual report is to inform our stakeholders regarding the financial and non-financial developments at our company in the 2018 calendar year. We use this report to update our stakeholders on the progress we have made in our performance with respect to a number of material themes – the boundaries and scope of which we have determined in consultation with our stakeholders. You will find a description of the process of determining materiality and a full list of material themes in the section on the determination of materiality.

Scope of this report

We based the determination of the content and parameters of this report on the wishes of our stakeholders via the materiality analysis. In this matrix, we have set the degree of importance of aspects against the interest that our external stakeholders attach to said aspects. The annual report and the financial statements pertain to Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors B.V., the three international mandates (Europe, North-America and Asia-Pacific) and its five funds (Retail, Residential, Office, Healthcare and Hotel).

Unless otherwise stated, the scope of the report extends to all Bouwinvest’s activities. This means it includes sub-contractors, unless otherwise stated.

The annual report is drawn up annually, based on a reporting period of one calendar year. The previous report dated 19 March 2018 pertained to the calendar year 2017. The 2018 annual report was drawn up on 20 March 2019 and published on 25 April 2019 and pertains to the calendar year 2018 that ran from 1 January 2018 through 31 December 2018.

Reporting policy and guidelines

Bouwinvest strives to improve its reporting each year, in line with the nature, risks and opportunities of the organisation. Bouwinvest has therefore set itself the goal of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards Core version of the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) from 2019/2020. To make an early step in that direction, in 2018 Bouwinvest has reported in line with GRI Standards wherever possible. GRI Standards are the global standard on the reporting guidelines front. GRI is based on the principle of materiality and requires organisations to report their management approach to their most material aspects. Reporting in line with GRI adds focus on material aspects to our annual report and allows us to report solely on aspects that are important to internal and external stakeholders. You will find general information on GRI at:

Data collection and verification of non-financial data

Data collection

We present our non-financial KPIs in this report. The non-financial data are collected in the first quarter of each year. Whenever possible, we collect data centrally, while some data are collected locally. Once we have collected the data, we consolidate the data and subject it to a trend analysis. If there are any considerable deviations in trends, we add context and verify with the relevant data provider. The data in this report has been quantified. In the absence of data, we have made estimates. We did not identify any inherent limitations in the data as a result of measurements, estimates and calculations.

Reporting environmental data

Bouwinvest reports environmental data of those assets where management control is possible (operational control approach). Data is provided for those assets where we have the power to introduce and implement operating policies and where we are responsible for purchasing energy and water and the handling of waste. Our management control differs greatly by type of real estate (e.g. residential or office real estate). These differences affect the level of influence we have over the (measurable) sustainability performance of our real estate assets.

Absolute use is the total use of the real estate assets in our funds during the period under review and provides insight into the overall environmental impact.

Like-for-like data and any changes pertain to real estate assets in our portfolio that were fully owned by Bouwinvest and operational for the full 24-month period. We have excluded assets that were acquired, sold or underwent large-scale renovations in this period. This data therefore provides insight into the movement of an indicator over time at a constant portfolio scope. Total net CO2 emissions, after compensation, represent the total CO2 emissions after reduction and compensation of carbon emissions via Guarantees of Origin (Garanties van Oorsprong - GVO). This is in line with Bouwinvest’s commitment to reduce the impact its operations have on climate change and to encourage sustainable energy generation.

Energy, emissions and water consumption are reported on the basis of like-for-like usage data and lettable floor area (LFA). This pertains to collectively purchased components and usage for shared areas, as well as usage data for tenant areas that are not individually metered.


Significant changes in definitions and measurement methods compared with previous reporting periods are explained where relevant. We did not make any changes to our ESG strategy or our targets in 2018. The aspects included in this report were selected on the basis of our materiality analysis.


For the year 2018, we had a few non-financial KPIs verified by an external auditor. We see this as a step towards integrated reporting according to GRI Standards. On page 26, you will find an overview of all verified KPIs. In the appendix on page 64 we explain the related definitions. You will find an online GRI content index at


For additional information on this report, please feel free to contact our Client Management department via or Karen Huizer, Director Client Management: +31 (0)20 677 1598. Bouwinvest appreciates any feedback on its annual report.

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1043 DG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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